Malvern Panalytical Zetasizer Advance
Light scattering for every application.
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Each of the three models in the Zetasizer Advance Range offers particle size, particle charge (zeta potential) and molecular weight analysis. In addition, each benefits from advances including Adaptive Correlation, M3-PALS zeta potential analysis, constant current zeta mode and Malvern’s deep learning-based data quality advice system. The Ultra has the unique capacity to perform calibration-free particle concentration measurements with ease, even deep into the nano size range. Fit to ISO 13321 and ISO 22412. Typical applications include protein and antibodies, extra-vesicles and exosomes, cells and yeast lysis, small molecules and peptides, liposomes, micelles.
Measuring Modes
Size: Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS) with Non-Invasive-Back-Scatter (NIBS).
Size and Concentration: Multi-Angle Dynamic Light Scattering (MADLS)
Zetapotential: Electrophoretic mobility (LDE) with Mixed Mode Measurement, Phase Analysis Light Scattering (M3-PALS).
Patented Non-Invasive Back Scattering (NIBS).
Patented Mixed-Mode Phase Angle Light Scattering (M3-PALS).
Patented Multi-Angle Dynamic Light Scattering (MADLS)
Optimization: Automatic.
Optical filter wheel with fluorescence filter and polarizers
Minimum sample volume: 3µl (DLS); 20µl (LDE).
Typical measurement time: < 20 sec.
Sensitivity: 0.1mg/mL 14.3 kDa protein (DLS); 1mg/mL for 14.3 kDa protein (LDE).
Temperature range: 0 to 120 deg C.
DLS: size range 0.3nm – 10µm (diameter)
DLS: max concentration (typical): 40% w/v
LDE and zeta size range: 3.8nm – 100µm (diameter)
LDE and zeta max concentration: 40% w/v
Build-it data evaluation.
Intelligent neural network system also suggests how to improve results
Built-in tools for method development according to ISO-13320.
Adaptive Correlation to determine optimum measurement duration
21 CFR Part 11 Enables an operating mode that assists with ER/ES compliance.
322mm x 565mm x 245mm (L x W x H)
Weight 19 kg