Microvision Granix software

Image analysis software dedicated to granulometry

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Granix is an image analysis software dedicated to granulometry by opening and non-contact electronic sieving. Granix can be supplied as a turnkey system that includes an optical instrument for image acquisition, Granix image analysis software, and the service you need but also as a stand-alone software integrated into the optical system you already have. Granix is complying with all international industrial standards like ASTM, ISO, NF, VDA, USP, JIS, and DIN…and works according to NFX 11-696 standards.

Image acquisition

Direct acquisition or from image files
Image digitization – Real-time processing
Instant results


Customizable detection method with artifact removal capability

Cumulation of measurements possible with manual or automatic exploration
Control and verification of measurements


Statistical results with editable formulas

Reports edition

Presentation of results as histograms, cumulative curves and statistics
Reporting as of surface, volume or according to sieving customized screen cuts
Simple and user-friendly interface
Customizable reports
CFR Part 11 and Data Integrity compliance
